Sunday, November 30, 2014

Israel, American Jews, and the USA

I sent the following letter to The American Conservative magazine on Nov. 29, 2014

Israel, American Jews, and the USA

Scott McConnell's conclusion in "The Right's Israel Turn" (TAC July/Aug 2014) that "The clampdown signaled by the campaigns against Sobran and Buchanan probably couldn't be carried out today . . ." sounds like wishful thinking.  Foremost, if he is right, this is only because there is no need for it, for no one of fame is left in USA government, media and academia who can effectively criticize Israel and/or AIPEC and survive professionally.  I don't know of Sobran.  As far as Buchanan, his views of Israel are the only topic in which I agreed with him completely.  Today, write anything against Israel in any paper and there will be replies from local Jews either labeling the writer as "anti-Semitic" or counter his/her content with selective reasoning.  I once wrote to Miami Herald why the editors always mentioned Israel as the only democracy in the Mid-East and the greatest friend of America, when Turkey with ten times the population, also a democracy, has been a NATO ally and friend since the days of the Korean War, and at much less cost to the USA.  Within days there was a response from a Jewish lady in the paper.  And she found and called me, vehemently complaining why I was so anti-Jew when the Jewish populations everywhere produced such superlative people—as usual, Einstein was mentioned by name--in every field.  Half-a-dozen letters and calls from others followed.  I noticed similar responses in the papers when I lived in San Diego, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, D.C.  (These kinds of thoughtless comments, and American positions taken against Turkey on account of “Armenian Genocide” invented and propagated by Armenian-Americans, should enlighten the Americans as to how and why the Turks are no longer as solidly pro-USA as they used to be.) 

Samuel Goldman gives a hint of what's happening behind the scenes in his "What Would Jeremiah Do?" (TAC, same issue).  Jewish power players in USA may be following God's directive to the Judeans through Jeremiah dating back to the Babylonian captivity," that the exiles should flourish and multiply and blend into society in which they are exiled, without truly assimilating.  On every issue except Israel, the Jews are probably among the most pro-American ethnic groups in USA, for only a prosperous and powerful USA, under pressure, can guarantee the flow of $3 billion annual official aid to Israel and fight endless wars in the Mid-East supposedly against "terrorism," which, in essence, is any potential threat to Israel's security, even if Israel is the instigator--building and expanding settlements, blocking any and all attempts to two-state solution, treating the Arabs as less than human.  (OK, of course I am not including all American Jews in my view, but frankly, I am not sure whom to include and whom not to include; for sure, AIPAC and its supporters are included.)  Everyone knows this, but no one in this big and powerful USA, supposedly with free press and honest debates, can do anything about it.  The world has known this for much longer, why America--not Americans, who are viewed as too naive, if not stupid, and too self-possessed to care about the nuances of intricate affairs--is now among the most hated countries in the world, when it was the most admired country in 1950s--even by my class mates at the gymnasium in Germany. To put it bluntly, the Jews, through AIPAC, have the USA by the balls.  All they have to do is squeeze their hand periodically and have Uncle Sam scream uncle and do their bidding. Other American Gentiles do their bidding for dubious religious beliefs.

Albeit, one wonders what the Forefathers would think of their meticulous creation reduced to the strongest puppet on the planet on this one issue. Their biggest mistake may have been in that they could not anticipate distant American leaders as so much less than themselves, not citizen statesmen with impeccable credentials but fearful and purchasable professional politicians.  Though I normally vote for Democrats, I would vote for Ron Paul just on this one issue.  God help the USA.

Sirman Celayir
Fernandina, Florida


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sirman's Book published on Amazon

My book, “Celayirs, Diary of an Immigrant Family,” has been published by Amazon and it will be marketed as book (around $20 + S&H) and as Kindle eBook ($4) worldwide, including libraries and universities. The book offers a very comprehensive coverage of all aspects of assimilation, including initial alienation and hurdles encountered, to a new culture, especially the American culture. In addition to our epic experience, there are a number of captivating stories and anecdotes, some probably worthy of a good movie. You will find my discussion of religion, any religion, the most commonsensical discussion of that topic there is. And there are several interesting appendices on various topics, including one about the ethnic Laz people and their language of the Eastern Black Sea of Turkey. In addition to the 79 pages of photos in 4 albums, I have also embedded 100 or so photos into the narrative of Volume 2, so that as you read about a name, there will be a person looking at you. This is an attractive, substantive and hefty book that will enhance and enrich any library, one that should appeal especially to immigrants. See the books at the link below.
Go to and search for Sirman Celayir

Belinda's book of poetry published by Amazon

Belinda's poetry has been published as a 91-page book by Amazon, the electronic Kindle version is now being prepared, though, of course, the book version is much more attractive. Go to and search for Belinda Celayir. Enjoy . . .